Country of Origin: United States
Size: X-Large 55-90 lb
LifeSpan: 12 to 15 Years
Trainability: Moderate Effort Required
Energy Level: Medium Energy
Grooming: Rarely
Protective Ability: Very Protective
Hypoallergenic Breed: No
Space Requirements: House with Yard
Compatibility With Other Pets: Generally Good With Other Pets If Raised Together. May Have Issues With Other Dogs. Not Recommended For Homes With Existing Dogs
Litter Size: 5-9 Puppies
Names: Otto Bulldog, Catahoula Bulldog
Males: (ARF) 80-110 lbs, 22-25 inches (+/- 1″ & +/- 5-10 lb ok)
Females: 70-100 lbs, 20–23 inches (+/- 1″ & +/- 5-10 lb ok)
Documented history and early American photographs provide strong evidence that a breed of Bulldog resembling the Alapaha has existed in America for over two hundred years, primarily in small pockets of the South. This statement, minus the Southern reference, would also hold true for the majority of modern Bulldog breeds in America today. Whether the modern Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is the true embodiment of these early plantation dogs remains a matter of dispute due to documented crossbreeding with other breeds, which was done to increase its marketability during its early history.
The progenitors of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, like many American Bully breeds, are believed to be the now-extinct early American Bulldogs, which were known by a variety of regional names. These included the Southern White Bulldog, Old Country Bulldog, White English Bulldog, Mountain Bulldog, Country Bulldog, Hill Bulldog, White Bulldog, and English White Bulldog. These early bulldogs are likewise believed to be descendants of the now-extinct Old English Bulldog, a breed notorious for its aggressive temperament and its popularity in 18th-century England as a pit-fighting and bull-baiting dog.
The first of these dogs are believed to have arrived in America during the 17th century, as noted in the story of Governor Richard Nicolls (1624–1672), the first British colonial governor of the New York province, who used them as part of an organized citywide wild bull roundup. The inherently dangerous nature of cornering and leading these large, powerful animals required the use of bulldogs trained to seize and hold the bull by the nose until a rope could be placed around the larger animal’s neck.
It was also during the 17th century that immigrants from the West Midlands of England, fleeing the English Civil War (1642–1651), emigrated to America and comprised the majority of settlers in the American South, bringing their native bulldogs with them. In their native England, these early working bulldogs were used to catch and drive cattle, as well as guard their masters’ property. These traits were preserved in the breed by these working-class immigrants, who utilized their dogs for various tasks such as farm guardians, stock dogs, and catch dogs. Though at the time these early dogs were not considered a distinct breed by today’s standards, they had become an indigenous, generic Southern bulldog type. Pedigrees were not recorded, and breeding decisions were based on the individual dog’s performance in its required tasks. This resulted in a divergence of bulldog strains, as they were selectively bred to fulfill different roles.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs lineage can be traced back to a combination of four divergent types of these early Southern Bulldogs: the Otto, Silver Dollar, Cowdog and Catahoula Bull strains. It was Lana Lou Lane’s desire to preserve the dog of her grandfather [Papa Buck Lane] and her marketing savvy that lead to the Otto strain most often being identified as the progenitor of the modern-day Alapaha.
The Otto strain, like most early American Bulldogs, descended from the Southeastern mountainous stock dogs brought over and used by working-class immigrants. Initially, the Otto strain was relatively unknown to the general public, as its use was limited to rural southern plantations, where it served as a stock dog and varmint eradicator. As with most utility or working dogs, the main goal of early breeding was to create a dog that was perfectly suited for its designated job. Undesirable traits, such as cowardice, shyness, and noise sensitivity, were bred out, while strength and physical soundness were bred in. Through selective breeding by individuals like Papa Buck Lane, Alas Kittles, J. M. Cel Ashley, Louis Hedgewood, Walter Nations, and David Clark, the Otto strain was refined to create the perfect working plantation dog. This strain can still be found in use and in relatively pure form in the isolated areas of the rural South.
In describing the loyalty and versatility of these early Otto type bulldogs owned by her grandfather Lana Lou Lane states:
“My dad would always say that Papa Buck [her grandfather] had bulldogs all his life, as long as he could remember, and all of the males were named Otto. Papa Buck always had an ‘Otto’ by his side. My daddy said that Otto would look after the family, house, and plantation. When he was in the woods working, he kept watching over that operation too. After Papa Buck’s death, Otto was found on many occasions sitting on Papa Buck’s grave, continuing his ever-faithful duties to his undying master. He continued his duties until an untimely death from a broken heart. Otto would only allow family to come to the grave. The last Otto was the sire of Bouncer, who was bred to my Polly to produce Henry. Bouncer was a very aggressive dog. When I was a little girl, he’d almost scare me to death.”
However, it was the Silver Dollar strain, created by William Chester, that probably had the greatest impact on the creation of the modern Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. Mr. Chester described the Silver Dollar strain of bulldogs as:
“a cross between the Old Mountain Bulldog from the Big Sand Mountain area in NE Alabama and the Lookout Mountain area in Southern Tennessee, Colby Pit Bulls, and Catahoula Leopard Dogs he’s had for thirty years, used for rounding up his cattle.”
It was also one of his Silver Dollar line dogs, “Blue Boy,” purchased by Lana Lou Lane, that sired “Lana’s Marcelle,” the dog that would later be advertised as the foundation sire of her line of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. This later created a scandal, as Lana Lou Lane, the self-professed creator of the breed, claimed to have bred “Blue Boy” herself out of (Ham Bone × Magnolia) in her submitted pedigree documentation to the ARF (Animal Research Foundation). In actuality, the truth was that “Blue Boy” was sired by William Chester’s “Black Jack,” a large 82-pound Silver Dollar dog who also sired “Chester’s BOSS” and “Waldron’s Samantha,” two dogs that were also used in the breeding of the modern-day Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog.
Mr. Chester believed that all of his Silver Dollar Line dogs should be game-tested vigorously on livestock as part of the breeding and culling process. Although the majority of his dogs were considered to be man-aggressive—a trait he deemed undesirable—the mixture of Catahoula, Catch-weight American Pit Bull Terrier, and Mountain Dog was deadly.
The Cowdog strain, created by Cecil Evans, was the result of his desire to create the ultimate working stock dog. In the 1940s, there were several failed breeding attempts to create a dog with the necessary aggression and enduring catch-dog characteristics he was looking for. He came to the conclusion that the current strain of Ol’ Southern Whites he was using in his breeding program had been diluted to the point that many of their original qualities had been lost when compared to their English counterparts. So, he set out to find a line of bulldogs that still retained the original bull-baiting power and tenacity—qualities he believed the local bulldog strains were missing and didn’t produce in their offspring when crossed with his cattle-coursing cur dogs. He happened upon an article by a Mr. Clifford Derwent of London, England, who, at the time, was trying to preserve in his bulldogs the savage qualities of the pit-fighting and bull-baiting era.
Mr. Evans purchased a few of Mr. Derwent’s bulldogs, and with the help of his brother-in-law, Bob Williams, successfully developed what is known today as the Cowdog strain—a coursing Cur working English Bulldog cross. The Cowdog strain is considered by many to have been instrumental in the development of pre-registration Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs.
The Catahoula Bulldog, commonly associated with Kenny Houston—the owner of a big-game hunting outfit in Florida—was, in actuality, created by a cowboy and sportsman named Howard Carnathan in the 1960s. Mr. Carnathan, the owner of both bulldogs and Catahoula Leopard Dogs, admired the intelligence, endurance, speed, and high-spirited nature of his Catahoulas but was disappointed with the breed’s natural aloofness towards strangers and soft bite. In order to create a better dog that exhibited the best traits of both breeds, he infused Bulldog into his Catahoula lines to create the Catahoula Bulldog. Of the cross, Mr. Carnathan stated:
“I needed a dog that would be a companion and protector to my children and home, yet I also needed a dog that would help with the farming duties. The Catahoula Bulldog fit my purpose exactly.”
Mr. Houston began breeding them after purchasing a few from Mr. Carnathan and studying his breeding practices. The breeding conducted by Mr. Houston consisted of Old Southern Whites crossed with Catahoula Leopard Dogs, as he preferred large, athletic dogs in the 90-100 lb. range. He felt that at this size, they had the endurance and speed to run with big game, while maintaining the strength necessary to handle themselves once the prey was bayed.
The most famous pup to come out of his breeding program was “Blue Muskee” (sire: DUDE × dam: Silver), who in turn sired “Miller’s Blue Ox,” the unknown sire of Lana Lou Lane’s “Lana’s Sylvia Lane” and “Quinlan’s Hank,” as well as countless other dogs bred by Lana Lou Lane. This particular dog was of special interest to Lana Lou Lane due to the blue-merle coloration that often appeared in his offspring.
It is from four strains of indigenous bulldogs and the desire of a dedicated group of Southerners to preserve them that the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog was born. These individuals banded together to form the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Association (ABBA) in 1979. The initial founders of the organization were Lana Lou Lane, Pete Strickland (her husband and first cousin), Oscar and Betty Wilkerson, Nathan and Kathy Waldron, and a few others with dogs from the surrounding area. The initial Articles of Constitution from 1979 for the ABBA, complete with Lana Lou Lane’s signature, list her as the club’s acting secretary.
With the creation of the ABBA, the studbook for the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog was closed. This meant that no other dogs outside of the original 50 or so already listed in the studbook could be registered or introduced into the breed unless they could be traced directly back to those dogs. It is reported that sometime after this, tension within the ABBA began to rise regarding the issue of the closed studbook, ultimately resulting in Lana Lou Lane leaving the ABBA altogether in 1985. It is believed that under pressure from her customers to produce more merle-colored Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs, her desire to maximize their salability and profit led her to begin looking into creating her own line of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs by crossing Catahoulas back into her existing lines. This, of course, was a direct violation of the standards and practices set forth by the ABBA. As such, they refused to register her new mixed-breed Catahoula hybrids as Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs.
As to the reason for her departure from the ABBA, Lana Lou Lane states:
“I left that ragtag club because it was a group of lowly rednecks and dusty farmers who knew nothing about promoting a breed of dog. As far as they were concerned, a hundred dollars ($100) was more than enough for a pup! They don’t know a damn thing about business and what people want!”
After her departure from the ABBA, Lana Lou Lane contacted Mr. Tom D. Stodghill of the Animal Research Foundation (ARF) in 1986 regarding the registration and preservation of “her” rare breed of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs. At the time, ARF was considered one of many so-called “third-party” registries that would print undocumented pedigrees and registration papers for an animal for a fee. This created a loophole for individuals such as Lana Lou Lane to deviate from the established breed club and register individually created breeds via their “Merit” registration programs.
“Merit registration” programs allow an individual to breed two separate types of dogs together and call them by the name of either breed or an entirely new breed. This creates new breeds or modifies already registered ones. For example, let’s say an individual looking for a slightly more aggressive and larger Border Collie decided to mate an Australian Shepherd male with a Border Collie female. The result would be a mixed hybrid of both types, or a “mutt.” Since the books on these breeds are closed by the AKC, there would be no way to get Border Collie registration papers for these mixes. Without these registration papers, the breeder would find it difficult to market and sell them as Border Collies. This is where “third-party” registries come in with “merit registration,” which allows both parents, regardless of breed, to be registered at the breeder’s discretion. So, if the breeder previously registered both the Australian Shepherd and the Border Collie as “Border Collies” with their organization, the offspring of these two would be eligible for full registration as a Border Collie, complete with “third-party” registration papers to that effect. For the unsuspecting buyer who thinks they are getting a Border Collie, they are actually getting a mutt with papers.
In reference to the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, the ARF registry was most commonly used by ARF-registered breeders to sell a mix of the American Bulldog, American Pit Bull Terrier, and Catahoula Leopard Dog to unsuspecting buyers as full-blooded, papered Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs.
As a savvy businesswoman, Lana Lou Lane knew that her success in marketing and selling her breed of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs would depend on sound advertising, dog showing plans, and a recognized registry such as ARF to register her bulldogs. For the registry, she chose ARF; for advertising, she used Dog World and Dog Fancy magazines for national exposure and to announce herself as the originator of this new, “rare” breed of Bulldog. In the show ring, she employed Ms. Jane Otterbein to bring attention to the breed at various rare breed events. She even produced a videotape, which can still be purchased today via the ARF website, along with other printed materials, as part of her marketing strategy to present her version of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog as her own creation to prospective buyers.
Of the 800 dogs that she bred as authentic Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs, more than one third—approximately 300 of them—were mixes of her own creation, “Merit” registered through ARF. Although the current official ARF policy strictly prohibits this practice, it is still said to occur among some current ARF-certified breeders of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs.
The position of the Animal Research Foundation, as stated on their website regarding the initial registration of Ms. Lane’s Alapahas, is as follows:
“When Ms. Lane began sending in her ARF paperwork to have her bulldogs registered as ‘Alapahas,’ she had very little-to-no ancestry on the dogs that she registered. Therefore, her original Alapaha breeding stock was ‘Merit’ registered. The reason being, most of the old farmers in South Georgia did not care if their bulldogs were registered or not. Therefore, if Farmer Brown had a litter of bulldog pups and his neighbor, Farmer Jones, wanted one, he gave him one on the condition that when his bulldog had pups, he would get a pup back. Through this method of trading, bulldog pups were spread over many southern Georgia counties, including other southern states.”
Ms. Lane also created a kennel name for herself, which she referred to as “Circle L Kennels.” Explaining the origin of the name, she declared:
“That’s the brand for our ranch; my family used to raise Angus cattle. Everyone in Southern Georgia knows that brand. My Grand Daddy started it after the fencing laws were enforced in the late 1800s. My Daddy also used this prefix when he bred AKC Great Danes up until I was a teenager.”
At this kennel, she owned, bred, raised, and sold a variety of different breeds, such as Rat Terriers, Toy Fox Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers [American Staffordshire Terriers], Catahoulas, American Bulldogs, and an “American Bulldog/Catahoula” cross, known as the “Catahoula Bulldog.” However, her bestselling dog was her ARF-registered, old-timey plantation dog—the “Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog.”
In examining the pedigrees of some of her dogs, it becomes evident that, in order to retain her title as the originator of the breed, falsified pedigrees were submitted to ARF to solidify that claim. One such case is the pedigree information submitted to ARF for “Blue Boy,” the original sire of the foundation dog for her line, Lana’s Marcelle Lane. The pedigree submitted to ARF states that “Blue Boy” was bred by her out of Ham Bone × Magnolia. However, in a later interview, she admitted:
“I bought Blue Boy from a gentleman in Central Georgia, and he had the prettiest glass eyes you’d ever want to see. I bred him to my Roseanna, and out popped Marci (Lana’s Marcelle Lane, her foundation stud), with a blue-merle & white coat and marble eyes. He was the finest example of a bulldog you’d ever want to see.”
This admission proves that “Blue Boy” was not, in fact, bred by her, but was purchased from William Chester of Dublin, Georgia, out of Chester’s Black Jack × Chester’s Missy, both of which were part of his Silver Dollar line of dogs.
In advertisements and literature, she described her foundation sire Lana’s Marcelle Lane in the following way:
“My foundation sire Lana’s Marcelle Lane is as close as I’ll ever come to the ‘Plantation Dog’ of the Alapaha River Region of South Georgia, one that would have a place in today’s social life. I’ve bred to very choice dogs over the years and culled closely, picking and choosing for any genetic or temperamental defects.”
It is also worth noting that Ms. Lane stated in her marketing and advertising materials that she created the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog in 1986, which corresponds with her earliest registrations of dogs with ARF. However, her 1979 signature on the Articles of Constitution for the ABBA serves to prove that she was aware of the breed’s existence prior to her claim of creating it in 1986.
When asked about this discrepancy and why proper credit was not being given to others involved in the breed’s creation, such as Pete Strickland or Bill Chester, she stated:
“I am the originator! I advertised in Dog World first; the book publishers only know me, no one knows anything about Pete or Bill or anybody else! That’s why I left the club because it was going nowhere!” […] “Why, they’ve got their thing and this is mine! People don’t want to hear about some old bastards with a bunch of crossbred dogs. They want southern romance and history!”
Further contradictions can be found in one of her last published brochures, where she claimed:
“The Alapaha is not the same dog as the American Bulldog and not to be confused with them, or to be crossbred with them” (Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs, page 5). However, this statement contradicts the fact reported by ARF that she used and registered an NKC-registered American Bulldog named Arnold’s Codi (NKC Reg. No.: C026-602) as part of her Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog breeding program.
An excerpt from the ARF website provides additional context about her breeding practices:
“In searching for her rare breed of bulldog, Ms. Lane knew exactly what she was looking for, so she produced a breed standard primarily describing her bulldogs: males weighing 70 to 90 pounds, and females weighing 50 to 70 pounds. Many of today’s American Bulldogs weigh upwards of 130, even 150 pounds. Therefore, the variety of ‘American Bulldog’ Ms. Lane selected for her ‘Alapaha’ breeding program was the ‘White English Bulldog.’ Since she declared a solid white bulldog as undesirable, these were crossed with colored ‘American Bulldogs,’ creating the ‘preferred’ colors.”
Lana Lou Lane’s strategic use of advertising in publications like Dog World and Dog Fancy played a significant role in shaping public perception. By claiming to have created the breed and not acknowledging the prior existence of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, she solidified her position as the breed’s originator. As you noted, if the truth about the breed’s development or the fact that she purchased dogs from others had come out, her claim would have been challenged, likely affecting her sales.
The ABBA maintained its role in the breeding and preservation of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, sticking to its closed studbook, but received less public attention or recognition for its contribution to the breed’s consistency and stability. Despite its role in preserving the breed, the ABBA’s lineage and practices were overshadowed by the marketing efforts of Lana Lou Lane.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Association (ABBA) summarizes the origin of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog as follows:
The two strains of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs mentioned in your summary—one registered with the ABBA and the other as the “Lana Lou Lane Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog” (LLL ABB Bulldog) under the Alapaha Research Center (ARC)—reflect the split in the breed’s development. The ABBA’s strain, which follows the closed studbook, is often referred to simply as the “Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog” (ABBB), while Lana Lou Lane’s line has its own designation due to her involvement with the ARC after a dispute with ARF.
The ARC is identified as a newer registry endorsed by the Lane family, formed after their falling out with ARF. This registry supports the “Lana Lou Lane Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog” (LLL ABB Bulldog) line, distinguishing it from the ABBA’s strain and contributing to the ongoing division in the breed’s history.
As noted in the statement from the Lana Lou Lane Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog website, the family no longer supports the Animal Research Foundation (ARF) due to concerns over fraudulent actions related to the registration process. They claim that ARF was responsible for mixing or crossing the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog with other breeds, which they state was against Lana Lou Lane’s original intentions for the breed. This led the Lane family to seek out another registry that would better preserve the breed as they envisioned it.
The ARF’s statement is consistent with its stance that it was the first organization to recognize and register the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, beginning in 1986 when Lana Lou Lane approached them. ARF maintains that it is the primary and official registry for the breed and that it has been dedicated to preserving the “true” Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. ARF also asserts that other organizations that may use the Alapaha name, or offer dual registration, are engaged in fraudulent practices, claiming these organizations are copying intellectual property from Ms. Lane and ARF. Furthermore, ARF opposes the practice of “Merit Registrations” and “Double-Registrations,” which are methods used by other registries to register dogs that may have mixed lineage.
The position of ARF regarding the issue is as follows:
The dispute between the ARF, ABBA, and ARC has resulted in multiple organizations claiming to be the true or official registry for the breed. Each organization has its own version of the breed’s history and its own breed standards, which can be quite different. This division further complicates the issue, as no single organization holds a universally accepted position regarding the “true” modern version of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
As stated, ARF does not recognize the other organizations (ABBA, ARC), and it will not register dogs that are registered with these groups or allow dual registration. This policy stems from the ARF’s belief that its version of the breed is the true and only correct one, and that the other organizations are diluting or corrupting the breed.
The position of the Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Association (ABBA) regarding the registry issue is:
The ABBA claims to be the founding registry and breed club for the Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog, with its origin dating back to 1979. The association emphasizes that its purpose was to preserve the Old Timey Plantation Bulldog from the southern United States, which was reportedly in danger of extinction. The ABBA also asserts that, for decades, it has been the sole organization dedicated to the recognition and preservation of the breed, and it credits the passion and efforts of its members with the breed’s survival and growth.
The position of the Alapaha Research Center (ARC):
The ARC claims to be the official registry for the strain of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs associated with Lana Lou Lane, emphasizing its dedication to preserving and promoting the version of the breed as envisioned by Lane herself. The ARC regards Lane as the founder of the breed, particularly the specific line that it registers, distinct from other lines associated with different organizations like the ABBA or ARF.
In general the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog would be described as a tightly built, athletic power-packed medium size dog, without the excessive bulk found in some of the other Bulldog breeds. It is light on its feet, and in the performance of its duties moves with power and determination, giving the impression of great strength for its size. Although muscular it is not stocky, long legged or racy in appearance. The male Alapaha is generally larger, heavier boned and visibly more masculine than females.
During the course of its development other breeds such as the now extinct Old English Bulldog and one or more local herding breeds like the Catahoula Leopard Dog and Black Mouth Cur were introduced into the line. Like many of its working dog brethren it was bred for performance of its duties, not for a standardized appearance. The primary considerations in breeding decisions were that the dog possessed the requisite size and strength to handle itself when dealing with large, angry cattle and that it had the speed and athletic ability required to chase, catch and hold wild hogs. A highly functional built for purpose bulldog; the Alapaha has a square head, broad chest and prominent muzzle.
Due to the various published standards of the three main organizations that are all touted as the official standard of the breed; it would do a disservice to one or all of the organizations for this author to write his interpretation into a combined standard that summarizes the views of all. As such the published Alapaha Breed Standards of these organizations has been included side by side below for comparison by the reader. The acronym for each organization is listed preceding that organizations description: (ARC)—Animal Research Center, (ARF)—Animal Research Foundation, (ABBA)–Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Association
(ARC) Purpose- Guardian, protector and family companion.
(ARF) Purpose- Is for “Guardian”, “Protector”, and “Family Companion”.
(ARC) Overall Impression- Square, powerfully built, yet agile and athletic for size and alertness. Should give impression of nobility. (Thereby – “Blue Blood”)
(ARF) Overall Impression- Square, powerfully built; agile and athletic for size, and alert. Should give impression of nobility; thereby, the term “BLUE BLOOD”.
(ABBA) Body- Square, robust and powerful. The Alapaha is a broad, wide dog, but this width should not be exaggerated.
(ARC) Head- Large, flat across the top, square, heavily muscled in males.
(ARF) Head- Large, flat across the skull, square, heavily muscled in males.
(ABBA) Head- The overall head is box-shaped medium in length and broad across the skull with pronounced muscular cheeks. The top of the skull is flat, but covered with powerful muscles; there should be a distinct furrow between the eyes. There should be an abrupt, deep stop.
(ARC) Muzzle- Square with heavily muscled jaws. Up to 40% of total length of head.
(ARF) Muzzle- Square with heavily muscled jaws; length not to exceed 40% of the skull, from “stop” to “end” of nose, being 2 to 2-3/4 inches in length, plus or minus a 1/4 inch.
(ABBA) Muzzle- Medium length (2 to 4 in.), square and broad with a strong under jaw. Lips should be full but not pendulous, 36 to 42 teeth. [A definite undershot, 1/8 to 1/4 inch preferred. Scissors or even bite is a disqualification. Structural faults are a muzzle under 2 inches or over 4 inches, less than 36 teeth, more than 1/4 inch undershot, small teeth or uneven incisors.]
(ARC) Nose- Black to liver. 50% or more light pigment is unacceptable.
(ARF) Nose- Color: Black is the ideal color; however, “Gray”, or “Liver” color will occur.
(ABBA) Nose- Color: black or liver. On black nosed dogs the lips should be black with some pink allowed. 50% or more light pigment is considered a cosmetic fault.
(ARC) Ears – Medium in size, half perked or rose. Cropping NOT permissible.
(ARF) Ears- Rose-ears, medium-size, to half-perked with forward roll, carried close to the head.
(ABBA) Ears- V-shaped, or folded back, set on wide and high, level with the occiput, giving a square appearance to the skull, which is most important. They should be small and the point of the ear should be level with the eye when alert. Rose ears to be penalized. Cropped ears are not permissible in the show ring.
(ARC) Eyes- Set well apart and prominent. Any color permissible. “Glass” or “Marble” eye preferred.
(ARF) Eyes- Almond-shaped to round, medium sized. Color: Brown is the ideal color; however, “Glass” or “Marble” eyes will occur.
(ABBA) Eyes- Medium in size and of any color. The haw should not be visible. Black eye rims preferred on white dogs. Pink eye rims to be considered a cosmetic fault.
(ARC) Neck- Thick of medium length.
(ARF) Neck- Thick, of medium length.
(ABBA) Neck- Muscular, medium in length, slightly arched, tapering from shoulders to head, with a slight dewlap allowed. The neck is where the power of the dog is put to use against its opponent (i.e. livestock, vermin or manly intruders). It must be long enough to apply leverage, short enough to exert power and strong enough to do the job. Shoulders: Very muscular with wide sloping blades; set so elbows are not bowed out.
(ARC) Shoulders – Of short length, heavily muscled and well tied in. Should give impression of power.
(ARF) Shoulders- Short length, heavily muscled, and well tied in with the front legs.
(ARC) Chest- Wide and deep with well sprung rib cage.
(ARF) Chest- Wide and deep with a well sprung ribcage.
(ABBA) Chest- The chest should be deep with a good spring of ribs.
(ARC) Back- Straight, not rigid or swayed. Length equal to height at shoulders, with a 1″ variation acceptable.
(ARF) Back- Straight; length equal to height at shoulders.
(ABBA) Back-The back should be of medium length, strong, broad and powerful. Loins should be slightly tucked which corresponds to a slight roach in the back which slopes to the stern. Faults: Swayed back, narrow or shallow chest, lack of tuck up.
(ARC) Tail- Optimum length should reach hock. Final 1/3 of tail to have gradual upward curvature. Docking NOT permissible.
(ARF) Tail- Optimum length; should reach the hocks in a relaxed position; come over the back in an excited position. Final 1/3 of tail to have a gradual upward curvature.
(ABBA) Tail- The tail should be long enough to reach the hocks tapering to a point. It should be moderately thick and as an extension of the spine, it should be powerful. The tail will often be carried above the back when the dog is moving or excited. The tail should not curl over the back. Docked tails are not permissible in the show ring.
(ARF) Forelegs- Straight and extremely thick-boned; toes well knuckled up with thick pads. Dewclaws not removed.
(ARF) Hindquarters- Hips narrower than shoulders; well musculared and in proportion to the forequarters.
(ARF) Color- Any color and white. “Solid colors” and “solid whites” not “Show Stock”.
(ARF) Coat- Short-to-medium length; fairly stiff to the touch, with soft undercoat.
(ARF) Size- Males: 22 – 25 inches at the withers, weighing 70 to 90 pounds. Females: 20 – 23 inches at the withers, weighing 50 to 70 pounds. 1 inch variation in height is allowed. 5 to 10 pounds in variation of weight is allowed.
Note: The male’s height should not be less than 21, or greater than 25 inches, at the withers. The female’s height should not be less than 19, or greater than 24 inches, at the withers. The male’s body weight should not exceed 100 pounds, or be less than 65 pounds. The female’s body weight should not exceed 80 pounds, or be less than 55 pounds.
Note: However, there may be on rare occasions where a male may weigh in at 110 pounds, and where a female may weigh in at 90 pounds. Therefore, these “Alapahas” can be bred back to a smaller male, or female, to normalize the Breed Standard’s body weight in the pups. But, to place the larger “Alapahas” into a “Conformation” show-ring, they would fail to meet the breed’s standard.
(ARF) Disqualifications- “Alapahas” with the following conditions would be disqualified to be shown in a “Conformation” show; having … Docked tails, Cropped ears, Cow-hocked, Deafness, as found in “white” or “almost white” dogs,Eyelids that are turned out,Testicles that have not descended, Swayed backs,Dogs taller or shorter than the breed standard allows, Dogs heavier or lighter than the breed standard allows, All solid “colored” and all solid “whites”.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is an intelligent, highly trainable breed known for its loyalty and natural protective instincts, making it an excellent guardian of the home. Despite its fierce protectiveness, it is generally well-mannered, docile, and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with its family. This breed is especially gentle with children, demonstrating an ability to differentiate between younger and older kids, and it enjoys active play due to its natural stamina and athleticism. Overall, the Alapaha is a sweet, sensitive dog with a huge heart, excelling as both a companion and a protector.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a working breed with strong protective instincts, which can lead to independence and stubbornness. As a result, it may not be the best choice for first-time dog owners or those who struggle to establish themselves as a firm leader. From an early age, the breed tends to assert its role in the family, and training should focus on creating a clear master-subordinate relationship to ensure stability. With consistent leadership and early training, Alapahas can excel at obedience, are easy to house train, and generally walk well on a leash.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a loving, family-oriented breed that thrives on close interaction with its owners. Prolonged confinement, such as being kept in a kennel or fenced away from the family, can cause stress and frustration, leading to undesirable behaviors like barking, howling, digging, barrier aggression, hyperactivity, or excessive territorial aggression. Due to its strong devotion to the family, the Alapaha needs to be an active member of the household and cannot simply be left outside or isolated, expecting it to protect the property without human interaction. This breed requires regular companionship and attention to stay happy and well-behaved.
Early socialization is essential for the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, especially if introducing other dogs into the household. Being territorial by nature, it may show aggression towards similarly sized dogs of the same sex, although dogs of the opposite sex tend to get along better. Introducing adult dogs should be closely supervised to avoid fighting, as each dog may attempt to establish its place in the pack hierarchy. However, if the owner is a firm and clear leader, it helps minimize fighting and the need for subordinate dogs to fight for dominance, as the pack order is more easily established.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is an energetic and athletic breed that requires regular exercise, including play and extended walks, to stay happy and healthy. While they may be inactive indoors, apartment living can be suitable for this large breed as long as they receive regular outdoor play and walks. Ideally, however, they thrive in a home with at least an average-sized yard where they can get the necessary physical activity and stimulation to meet their energetic needs.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog has a short coat that requires minimal grooming. Occasional brushing or combing to remove dead hair, reduce shedding, and distribute natural oils is sufficient. Bathing should be done sparingly, ideally every other week, to avoid stripping the coat of its essential oils. This breed is classified as an average shedder, so regular grooming will help manage shedding without being overly demanding.
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is considered a relatively healthy breed, being hardy and resistant to disease. However, due to the crossing of various bulldog types and the lack of standardization among different lines, the breed may be prone to some health issues commonly found in bulldogs. These include bone cancer, Ichthyosis, kidney and thyroid disorders, ACL tears, hip and elbow dysplasia, cherry eye, entropion, ectropion, and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL). Additionally, certain genetic lines may carry congenital defects that aren’t necessarily reflective of the breed as a whole. Regular vet check-ups and responsible breeding practices can help mitigate some of these risks.
Modern technology, such as DNA testing, allows breeders to screen for conditions like NCL (neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) and Ichthyosis, helping to reduce the risk of passing on genetic disorders. A Penn Hip or OFA screening is recommended for all potential breeding animals to assess hip and joint health. It’s essential to thoroughly research the breeder and the dog’s family history before adopting or purchasing an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. This ensures that the dog is healthy and will provide years of devoted love, protection, and companionship to its family.