Bull Mastiffs

A working breed native to England, the Bullmastiff was originally bred by gamekeepers to assist in the fight against poachers. As its name suggests, the Bullmastiff was created by crossing English Bulldogs and English Mastiffs, and the modern Bullmastiff closely resembles the 19th-century versions of both breeds. Originally a fierce protector, the modern Bullmastiff is known more for its loyalty and devotion, as well as for being surprisingly docile and gentle despite its great size. Due to its relatively low exercise requirements, many Bullmastiffs make excellent apartment dogs.

Country of Origin:
XX-Large 90-120 lb+
8 to 10 Years
Moderate Effort Required
Energy Level:
Medium Energy
Brushing Once a Week or Less
Protective Ability:
Very Protective
Hypoallergenic Breed:
Space Requirements:
House with Yard
Compatibility With Other Pets:
Known To Be Dog Aggressive
May Injure or Kill Other Animals
Not Recommended For Homes With Existing Dogs
Not Recommended For Homes With Small Animals
Litter Size:
6-10 puppies
Keepers Night Dog, Poachers Beware; Common Misspelling: ‘Bulmastif’
110-130 lbs, 25-27 inches
100-120lbs, 24 and 26 inches
American Kennel Club:
Working Group
ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council):
Group 6 (Utility)
CKC(Canadian Kennel Club):
Group 3 (Working Dogs)
FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale):
Section 2.1 : Mastiffs
KC (The Kennel Club):
NZKC (New Zealand Kennel Club):
Group 6 – Utility
UKC (United Kennel Club):
Guardian Dog

The Bullmastiff is a relatively young breed, although its primary ancestors are quite old. The Bullmastiff is the result of crosses between the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. These crosses began to be initiated in an organized way in the 1860s, although it is possible that these two breeds had been mixed for centuries before that. Along with both the Mastiff and the Bulldog, the Bullmastiff is a member of a group known as Molossers, also called Alaunts, Mastiffs, or Dogues. This group is quite ancient, and much of the information surrounding its origin is disputed. The word “Mastiff” itself is even debated. Some scholars believe it is the modern form of the ancient Anglo-Saxon word “masty,” meaning powerful. Others believe it is the Anglicized version of the old French word “mastin,” which loosely translates to tame. Regardless of where the modern name came from, it is undeniable that Mastiff-type dogs have been present in the British Isles for many centuries.

There is also controversy surrounding the mystery of how the first Mastiff arrived on British soil. There are at least four viable possibilities. Based on surviving breeds across Europe and Asia, it is believed that the earliest farmers in the Middle East developed a large, livestock guardian breed similar to the modern-day Great Pyrenees or Akbash Dog. These dogs spread across Europe with agriculture. Such dogs (now known as Lupomolossoids) may have arrived in Britain thousands of years ago to defend sheep and goats from predators like wolves. Although not true Mastiffs, the ancient Britons could have selectively bred these dogs until they became Mastiffs. Depictions in ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian artwork show dogs very similar to the modern Mastiff between 5,000 and 7,000 years ago. These drawings typically show these dogs in a combat role, although some also depict them guarding livestock. This region was also home to a people known as the Phoenicians, who were famous across the Mediterranean as traders. Many stories claim that Phoenician traders brought the first Mastiff to England on a voyage of trade and discovery. However, this story is impossible to verify and is unlikely for many reasons, not the least of which is that it would have been very hard to transport such a large dog such a long distance by sea in ancient vessels. In truth, the validity of either of these theories is difficult to assess, as almost no records exist of pre-Roman Britain. What is known for sure is that some type of massive guardian dog was present in Britain prior to the Roman conquest.

When the Romans first invaded what is now England and Wales, they faced stiff resistance from the native Celtic tribes. These tribes employed a giant war dog that greatly impressed the Roman army. The Romans called this dog the ‘Pugnaces Britanniae.’ Most scholars believe this dog was a Mastiff, while others believe it was more similar to the Irish Wolfhound. Prior to the conquest of Britain, the Roman army used a war dog known as the Molossus, which had been developed by the tribes of Epirus (modern-day Albania, Greece, and Montenegro). Some scholars insist that the Molossus was a Mastiff, while others claim that it was a smaller, more general-purpose dog. Either way, the Molossus was almost certainly crossed with the Pugnaces Britanniae in Britain and across the Roman Empire, which likely resulted in a dog very similar to the modern Mastiff, though probably not as short-faced.

With the eventual fall of Rome, a number of barbarian tribes ravaged the Western Empire. One of these tribes was the Alans, a people native to the Caucasus Mountains. The Alans were primarily known for their ferocious war dogs, known as Alaunts after their owners. The Alaunt was almost certainly a breed of Owtcharka (giant livestock guardian breeds native to the Caucasus), and many scholars claim that all Mastiff-type dogs are primarily descended from the Alaunt, with this breed likely contributing to the brachycephalic (pushed-in) face seen in modern Mastiffs. It is possible that Alaunt blood was added to existing British dog blood during the chaos following the fall of Rome or when the Normans conquered Britain, bringing their own Mastiff-type dogs.

However the British Mastiff developed, it evolved to become primarily a protector of property. It was customary for these massive dogs to be kept on a chain, earning the name ‘Bandogges’ (a 13th or 14th century Middle English term referring to a Mastiff-type dog bound by a chain during the daytime and released at night to guard against intruders). These original Mastiffs were bred not only for extreme size and power but also for ferocity and protective instincts. Eventually, a sport known as bear-baiting developed, in which a chained bear would fight several Mastiffs. The result was always the death of the bear, but a typical match usually resulted in the death of several dogs as well. Neither bear baiting nor property protection required the Mastiff to be especially athletic, and the breed became quite slow. In 1835, bear baiting was prohibited by Parliament, and the hyper-aggressive Mastiff of the time, unable to be used for this purpose, soon found its employment opportunities dwindling. Social mores were also changing, especially in the ever-growing cities, and Mastiff breeders no longer wanted a dog that would aggressively attack an intruder. They instead sought dogs that would pin someone down and hold them until their owners could judge the situation. By the 1860s, the Mastiff had become much less ferocious than its ancestors.

Although not as vicious as its predecessors, the 19th-century Mastiff would evolve through crosses with Bulldogs to find employment with British game wardens, defending wildlife parks and private hunting reserves of the wealthy from poachers. These poachers, unlike modern-day poachers who kill endangered animals for valuable parts, were mainly hunting for food, often targeting rabbits and deer. While many poachers were armed with guns, their primary hunting method involved using Longdogs (crosses between two sighthound breeds) or Lurchers (crosses between a sighthound and another type of dog) to chase and subdue prey. Because the penalty for poaching was high, poachers were often willing to kill or seriously injure a warden to avoid capture. Game wardens needed a dog capable of not only protecting them but also running down and subduing the poacher. Although Mastiffs were capable of subduing poachers once they caught them, they were usually not fast enough. As the years passed, most Mastiffs lacked the aggression to fight a determined or armed poacher. A new breed would need to be developed.

For many centuries, bull baiting was a popular sport in England. Similar to bear baiting, bull baiting involved Bulldogs attacking bulls. The ancestry of the Bulldog is unclear, but it is likely descended from small Mastiffs crossed with other dogs or possibly Alaunt-type dogs imported from Spain. Bulldogs used for bull baiting were much lighter in build than their modern descendants. These dogs were extremely muscular without being overly thick and were somewhat taller than modern English Bulldogs. Bulldogs were known worldwide for their fearlessness and tenacity, attacking any opponent regardless of the odds or the severity of their injuries.

Like bear baiting, bull baiting was banned in England in 1835. However, Bulldogs were smaller and easier to keep than Mastiffs, and bulls were much easier to acquire than bears. Bull baiting enthusiasts were able to continue their activity illegally for many decades, breeding Bulldogs that remained just as fierce as their ancestors. This ferocity may have increased as dog fighting became a popular underground sport, filling the void left by the end of bull and bear baiting. As the Mastiff became less well-suited for game warden duties, Bulldogs were tested, but they were too aggressive. Bulldogs often attacked poachers rather than subduing them, and they frequently ignored the game warden’s commands to go after the poacher’s dog or another creature. Sometimes, Bulldogs would even attack the game warden.

It may seem strange that game wardens did not simply use breeds like the German Shepherd or Doberman Pinscher, but in the 1860s, these breeds had not yet been fully developed, and importing a foreign dog would have been too expensive. Game wardens began crossing Mastiffs and Bulldogs until they produced the dog they needed. This cross likely had been made for centuries, but in the mid-19th century, breed standardization and dog shows were becoming popular across the United Kingdom. Game wardens likely got caught up in this trend and sought to develop a distinct breed. The ideal proportion was 60% Mastiff and 40% Bulldog, creating a dog with the size and power of a Mastiff, along with its reserved attack, yet still retaining the athleticism and ferocity of the Bulldog. Breeders also selected for the ability to trail a poacher quietly for a long period, then burst into action to subdue him. Game wardens preferred brindle dogs, as it provided camouflage at night. They called this new breed the Bullmastiff, much like Bulldog/Terrier crosses became known as Bull Terriers. The Bullmastiff was fully standardized by the early 20th century.

Though originally a utilitarian game warden’s dog, the Bullmastiff quickly gained popularity with other fanciers. Smaller and easier to keep than the Mastiff, the Bullmastiff became a popular urban guard dog. The same traits that made it useful to game wardens—subduing rather than attacking, but willing to do so if necessary—also made it desirable for property owners. Many new admirers were dog show enthusiasts, and the fawn coat pattern was favored over the brindle. In 1924, the Kennel Club formally recognized the Bullmastiff.

Since the early 1900s, many Bullmastiffs had been imported to North America, where they were often used as guard dogs for estates. The breed’s history was shaped by the time it spent with game wardens, and their usefulness as protectors has only been amplified with the passage of time.


The Bullmastiff is similar in appearance to other members of the Mastiff family, particularly the English Mastiff. This breed is large, powerful, and brachycephalic (having a short, broad head). While not as large as the English Mastiff, the Bullmastiff is still quite imposing. A typical male Bullmastiff stands between 25 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs between 110 and 130 pounds. Females tend to be slightly smaller, typically standing between 24 and 26 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 100 and 120 pounds. While this breed is not exceptionally tall, it is very thick and muscular. Bullmastiffs have a wide, deep chest, thick legs, and solid bones. They are known for their powerful build, making them resemble a “tank” in the canine world. However, the breed should appear powerfully muscular rather than obese. The Bullmastiff’s body is roughly square in proportion, though slightly longer than it is tall. Its tail is long, thick at the base, and tapers to a point, typically carried either straight or slightly curved.

The head of a Bullmastiff is large and square, sitting atop a thick and powerful neck. The muzzle is short, pushed in, and often points slightly upwards, positioning the breed’s face as intermediate between the longer face of the Mastiff and the shorter face of the Bulldog. The wide muzzle provides ample surface area for a strong bite. Many Bullmastiffs have an undershot bite, though this is not a strict rule. The breed’s face is characterized by deep wrinkles, primarily large ones, with extra skin over the body, which can make it harder for another animal or person to gain a firm hold in a confrontation. The eyes are medium in size, set wide apart, and typically have a furrow of wrinkles between them, giving the Bullmastiff a stern and wise expression. The ears are small, triangular in shape, and droop close to the head, enhancing the square appearance of the skull. Overall, the Bullmastiff’s expression is intimidating and imposing.

The coat of the Bullmastiff is short, flat, and dense, providing protection from the elements, particularly the chilly, rainy weather common in England. Bullmastiffs come in three acceptable color combinations: brindle, red, and fawn. Any shade of these colors is acceptable, provided they cover the entire body. Occasionally, a solid black Bullmastiff may be born, but such dogs are not acceptable in the show ring. A small white patch on the chest is acceptable and fairly common, but no other white markings should appear on the body. The muzzle of a Bullmastiff should always be covered in a black mask, regardless of the dog’s color. Unless the dog is brindle, the ears are darker than the rest of the body, and this is the only other acceptable location for black fur.


The Bullmastiff has the temperament typical of a guardian breed. Bullmastiffs are extremely loyal and will stand by their owners no matter the situation, defending their family at all costs. This breed thrives on companionship and craves being with its family, often experiencing severe separation anxiety. Bullmastiffs do not like to be left alone outside and prefer to stay inside with their family. Their desire for companionship can be so strong that they have been known to break down fences to find a playmate. Bullmastiffs vary in their level of independence. Some enjoy being in the same room with their family without needing constant physical closeness, while others are affectionate cuddlers who will always be near their owners, sitting on laps or underfoot.

Proper training and socialization are crucial for Bullmastiffs. Well-trained Bullmastiffs are generally accepting of strangers that their family accepts, though they tend to be aloof and uninviting. Bullmastiffs that have not been properly trained or socialized can be nervous around strangers and may become aggressive. They tend to take time to warm up to new people, and while most Bullmastiffs will eventually accept a new family member such as a spouse or roommate, they will do so on their own terms and timeline. Bullmastiffs make excellent guard dogs due to their alertness, natural protectiveness, and intimidating size and strength. Potential intruders will likely face a fierce and determined guardian. Bullmastiffs are known for their fearlessness and will stand their ground regardless of the opponent. However, they are not quick to bite or attack; they typically attempt to scare off a threat first by growling or baring their teeth.

Bullmastiffs are generally good with children and can tolerate rough play without being snappy. They often become very close to family children and will be incredibly protective of them. However, socialization is key to ensuring that a Bullmastiff does not become fearful of children or overly protective, as the breed may sometimes perceive rough play between children as a threat and try to intervene.

Bullmastiffs can suffer from severe dog aggression issues. They are extremely territorial and will not tolerate a strange dog entering their space. Most Bullmastiffs are dominant and will assert control over social situations. Any dog that challenges a Bullmastiff is likely to lose, as the breed is steadfast in defending its position. Aggression between same-sex dogs can be particularly intense, with some Bullmastiffs being unable to tolerate the presence of another dog of the same sex. However, most Bullmastiffs are more accepting of dogs of the opposite sex. If a Bullmastiff is raised with another dog from a young age, they are generally able to coexist peacefully. However, it is not uncommon for fights to break out between Bullmastiffs and dogs they have lived with for years, leading to permanent separation if necessary, as these dogs can hold grudges. Bullmastiffs are capable of inflicting severe injury or even death in dog fights.

Bullmastiffs are not typically good with non-canine pets. Their high prey drive and territorial nature make them prone to attacking animals that enter their space. While a Bullmastiff raised with cats may tolerate them, it is unlikely to allow strange cats to enter its property and will likely attack any that wander too close. Similarly, Bullmastiffs may chase other animals, such as small mammals or even larger creatures, potentially causing harm or death.

Training a Bullmastiff can be challenging. Although the breed is intelligent, it is not particularly eager to please. Bullmastiffs obey only when they completely respect their owner, making firm leadership crucial. Bullmastiff owners must establish authority and maintain it at all times, or their dog may attempt to take charge. Once a Bullmastiff assumes control, it can become stubborn and bossy. Even well-trained Bullmastiffs tend to be difficult to manage, as they were bred to be independent and unyielding. With consistent effort, Bullmastiffs can be well-trained and polite, but they are not likely to excel in obedience competitions or perform tricks. Without proper training, a Bullmastiff can become dangerously unmanageable.

Despite their large size, Bullmastiffs have relatively low exercise needs. A daily walk is essential to prevent boredom and behavioral problems, but they do not require excessive physical activity. Bullmastiffs prefer a slower pace and are not suited for jogging or strenuous exercise. Owners must maintain control during walks to prevent behaviors like pulling or aggression towards other dogs. While Bullmastiffs may have brief bursts of energy, these are usually short-lived. Although they enjoy having a yard, they do not like being left outside alone and can adapt well to apartment living. Bullmastiff puppies may enjoy games like fetch, but most adults are not especially interested in playtime. Over-exercising a Bullmastiff, especially in hot weather or immediately after eating, can lead to health problems, so owners should regulate their dog’s physical activity.

Potential Bullmastiff owners should be aware that this breed is not for those who are easily bothered by drool, noise, or flatulence. Bullmastiffs are known to drool heavily, and owners can expect to clean up significant amounts of slobber. They also snore loudly and often, which can disrupt sleep. The breed is also prone to frequent and potent flatulence, which can be overpowering and unpleasant.


The Bullmastiff has a low-maintenance coat that requires only regular brushing. This breed also needs infrequent baths. While considered a light to average shedder, Bullmastiffs shed more hair than most dogs due to their large size. Owners must pay attention to cleaning the facial wrinkles, especially around the jowls, and the ears, as these skin folds can trap food, water, dirt, grime, and other particles. If left unchecked, this buildup can lead to irritations or infections. It is essential to begin facial cleaning, bathing, and other routine maintenance tasks from a young age. Introducing these tasks early makes it much easier to manage, as it’s far simpler to trim the toenails of a 30-pound puppy than a 120-pound adult who may resist such grooming.


The Bullmastiff is known for suffering from several serious health conditions and having a relatively short lifespan. The typical life expectancy for a Bullmastiff is around 8 to 9 years, and few live beyond 10 years. Many Bullmastiffs may develop heart problems or cancer at an early or middle age. Despite their shorter lives, these dogs often experience significant health issues for years before passing. However, the Bullmastiff’s lifespan and health problems are generally comparable to those of other large breeds and are considered somewhat better than most giant dog breeds. Owners should also be aware that medical bills for a Bullmastiff can be considerably higher than for smaller dogs.

Gastric torsion, commonly known as bloat, is a major health concern for Bullmastiff owners. Bloat occurs when the dog’s stomach twists inside the body, sometimes completely, causing severe internal problems. It is almost always fatal without immediate medical intervention, and surgery is typically required, often too late to save the dog. Bloat is common in deep-chested breeds, as their organs are less protected by their ribs. One of the primary causes of bloat is exercising on a full stomach. To reduce the risk of bloat, owners should feed their Bullmastiff several smaller meals throughout the day instead of one or two large meals, and avoid exercise immediately after eating.

Bullmastiffs are not tolerant of high temperatures due to their large size and protective coats. These dogs heat up quickly and require more airflow to cool off. Additionally, their brachycephalic (pushed-in) faces make it harder for them to cool down efficiently. As a result, Bullmastiffs tire quickly in the heat and can overheat at lower temperatures compared to many other dogs. Owners should monitor their Bullmastiff closely in hot weather, preferably keeping them indoors when temperatures rise.

Common health problems faced by Bullmastiffs include:

  • Gastric Torsion/Bloat
  • Rapid and Excessive Weight Gain
  • Excessive Flatulence
  • Breathing Difficulties (Wheezing, Snorting, Snoring)
  • Entropion (inward-turning eyelids)
  • Ectropion (outward-turning eyelids)
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
  • Skeletal Growth Abnormalities
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Lymphoma
  • Heart Failure
  • Tumors
  • Skin Infections
  • Ear Infections
  • Boils on the lips