How often does a “Scoop Tech” clean a yard?
Once a week, in the future other service schedules may be available.
Are yards cleaned during winter?
Yes. Dogs keep making messes all year long, and our company continues to clean up dog waste through the winter. Some customers prefer to put their service on hold for the cold months, although there may be an extra service charge for the first cleanup the following spring.
What happens when it rains or snows?
We’ll work in most weather but road conditions after freezing rain may make it unsafe to service your yard. If this happens we will leave you a phone message and postpone the visit to the next day.
What about holidays?
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
When a holiday falls on a regular service day, we will post a work schedule in the Customer News portion of your invoice. Service returns to the regular day of the following week.
Should I unlock my gate?
Yes. Since our employees are not to climb or jump over fences, please have your gate unlocked on your service day. You may provide us with a key to the lock or tell us with the combination. If you like we can loan you a combination lock at no cost to you.
Can our “Scoop Tech” work with your dog in the yard?
In most cases yes, we get along well with dogs. However, there are some cases when a dog will not let our worker into a yard. If you know that your dog is not good with strangers, or it becomes apparent that your dog will not allow us to clean the yard then we ask that you restrain or confine the dog. We don’t want to take any unnecessary risks with your dog or our employees.
What if I want to skip a service day?
You will not be charged if you call the company 24 hours in advance of your service day for us to tell the service worker to skip your yard that day. If your dog will be gone from the yard for a couple of weeks, or for some other reason you want us to skip your yard for a day or more, we can hold service and you will not be charged for those days. There will be no charge for service missed due to weather or some other event beyond your control.
How do I pay you?
We pre-bill for the coming months service. On the 15th of the month we’ll send out a statement. If we have not received any payment by the 1st we will call you to see if you would like to continue service.
Prices / Dogs Hourly
- $520.00
- $535.00
- $537.00
- $545.00
- $550.00
- $555.00
* 10% discount for seniors (60+) and people with service dogs.
* More than five dogs? We’ll give you a free estimate.
* One-time cleanups are $75.00/hr.
* So we aren’t left ‘holding the bag’ we pre-bill for our services.
* Cancellation or skip service: 24 hours before your scheduled service.
* Prices may vary slightly for very large or difficult to access yards.